Below is a list of all the terms you will need to be confident using in the exam when talking about EDITING.
Remember the acronym STOPS:

Order of Narrative
Pace (and Positioning of Audience)
Special Effects
First, identify ones that you are not confident with, and then use the links below to help you learn what they are. Keep scrolling - this is a long post!

This is a great site, of course keep in mind it's for Yale university students but it's so useful and now comes with clips, won't hurt to try it.
Film Analysis - Editing
Email me if you have any problems!
2) Are the shots highly fragmented or relatively lengthy?
3) What is the point of the cutting in each scene? To clarify? To stimulate? To lyricize? To create suspense? To explore an idea or emotion in depth?
4) Does the cutting seem manipulative or are we left to interpret the images on our own?
5) What kind of rhythm does the editing establish with each scene?
6) Is the personality of the filmmaker apparent in the cutting or is the presentation of shots relatively objective and functional?
7) Is editing a major language system of the extract or does the artist relegate cutting to a relatively minor fraction?
8. What style of editing does the clip represent and why?
This is a great site, of course keep in mind it's for Yale university students but it's so useful and now comes with clips, won't hurt to try it.
Film Analysis - Editing
This slideshare is a useful one to help you understand some of the terminology for the EDITING section of the exam.
Work your way through it, and make sure you understand the terms and the definition.
Remember to use the TERMINOLOGY OVERVIEW: EDITING to be sure which terms you need to know!
If in doubt, or you can't find any of the definitions, google them and see what you come up with, Welcome to INDEPENDENT LEARNING :)
Email me if you have any problems!
If you're ever stuck with what to look for in the EDITING section, consider these questions::
1) How much cutting is there and why?2) Are the shots highly fragmented or relatively lengthy?
3) What is the point of the cutting in each scene? To clarify? To stimulate? To lyricize? To create suspense? To explore an idea or emotion in depth?
4) Does the cutting seem manipulative or are we left to interpret the images on our own?
5) What kind of rhythm does the editing establish with each scene?
6) Is the personality of the filmmaker apparent in the cutting or is the presentation of shots relatively objective and functional?
7) Is editing a major language system of the extract or does the artist relegate cutting to a relatively minor fraction?
8. What style of editing does the clip represent and why?